HALOS - Home Appliance Label and Overlay System.
Oven Package Tactile Icon Description.
Start - the shape is a right pointing triangle.
Stop/Cancel - the shape is an X.
Bake/Roast - the shape is a thick horizontal line with ridges on the top and bottom to represent heat above and below.
Broil - The shape is a thick horizontal line with ridges on the bottom to represent heat coming from above.
Increase - the shape is an arrow pointing up.
Decrease - the shape is an arrow pointing down.
Timer - the shape is wide at the top and bottom and narrow in the middle, representing an hourglass.
Clock - the shape is a circle with a cutout in the upper right. This represents a clock face with hands at 12 and 3.
Clean - the shape changed in March 2019. Previously the shape as a hand, representing a hand cleaning. Currently the shape is a diamond to represent something that is sparkling clean.
website: tangibleSurfaceResearch.com/halos